I just keep going down your list
and listening to your music...and wondering why I haven't heard your music before. This is amazing stuff!
I just keep going down your list
and listening to your music...and wondering why I haven't heard your music before. This is amazing stuff!
That's what I've wondering this whole time! Go, makio! Go and spread the word! And thanks for the great review.
This...this is what I like.
I look everywhere for music that has that creepy edge to it, and I can almost never find any. I'm glad to have found this one, and keep my hopes up for future songs.
Thanks makio, I'm glad I could help you in your search! Keep on checking back!
Definitely don't listen to the tards.
You've done a great job on this. Not necesarily an epic piece, but it tells it's own story. Those two don't know jack sh!t about ambient. Ambient was only ever defined to me as a calm tune meant to relax the mind and soul. Style has nothing to do with it. Well placed, tho. No other genre fits the song. A nice slow song, calming, refreshing...Ambient.
Glad I ran into this tho. I've been looking for a song that is calm and slow. I'm one of those people who falls asleep to music, and this should do the job. Thank you!
-=When war abounds, we preach of a coming peace; when peace abounds, we preach of a coming war. We are hopeless=-
Finally, someone who gets what its about. Its made for background music :L
Allthough it does have it's flaws I appreciate the nice comment :D
Not bad.
Personally I think it should be a bit longer. It ends far too quickly. Other than that, this is a great song. I wouldn't mind hear more of this in the future. True thing, tho...the hard kick isn't deep enough. It goes good with the song however, and I say instead of replacing it, maybe add another longer lasting drum behind it. That's my opinion. Use it as you will.
I am currently extending the piece as you requested. The kick will be improved but not likely by that method. Thanks for the input! Cheers!
So many memories...XD I'm falling in love with your music! How anyone cannot vote five is beyond me. Way too critical I'd say. More!!
I ask myself the same question ;) haha but seriously, thank you for your reviews!
I was hooked in the fisrt 15 seconds...that's unheard of! Awesome music!
Cool! thanks for the review :D
I know I've heard that beggining in another song. You could at least give that artist a little credit for his work.
Didn't even know it was already used. I just took three soundpools from a synth program, mixed them together and stuck with the end result. I'll see if I can find the Track you're talking about. I might have to make a formal apology for an inadvertent incident. Thanks for the heads up.
It's like a mix between 8-bit and hip hop...and a great job at putting it together, I might add. Great song!
Thanks a lot!
Nothing...Go figure.
Age 33, Male
Another Dimension
Joined on 5/19/06